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All The Things We Love About Speech Therapy With Adults

This blog is about all the things we at Sanapsis Love about Speech Therapy with Adults. 

Introducing Sanapsis Lite

Nana Lehtinen

We have a new baby in the family! Join us in welcoming our latest arrival, Sanapsis Lite. This new app offers a sneak peek in all of our language versions, Sanapsis (English), Sanapsis Suomi and Sanapsis Svenska.

Sanapsis Lite consists of two exercises in each category: Production, Comprehension, Reading, Writing, Semantics and Perseveration. These exercises come in different languages to provide a feel of the possibilities Sanapsis has to offer to all users in their own language. The exercises include all the information and ideas in instructions but have limited content for material. There will always be more to explore in the full version in your language!

Head over to the AppStore of your choice (links below) to download a copy today.

Sanapsis Lite in the Swedish AppStore

Sanapsis Lite In the US AppStore

Sanapsis Lite in the United Kingdom Appstore

Sanapsis Lite in the Australian AppStore

Sanapsis Lite in the Finnish AppStore
