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Phone: +1 (408) 912 6478
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Hi there.

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I am Nana, lovely to meet you! I am an SLP with a passion for speech therapy with adults with acquired language and communication deficits. I am also the leading designer of our Sanapsis family of applications.

We started working on Sanapsis in 2010. Our small private practice, Speech Clinic Ltd (Puheklinikka), specializes in adult neurological Speech Therapy. Sanapsis first took shape as a tool for our therapists. We wanted to create a library of materials and ideas to guide us in our workflow with patients. We knew we needed easy access to unique materials reflecting the everyday surroundings our patients live in. We also wanted to preserve flexibility in goal setting and encourage interaction between the patient and the therapist while using the app. With lots and lots (and lots) of experimenting, Sanapsis slowly started to look like what we were looking for!

Based on patients' and therapists' positive feedback, we decided to make Sanapsis available to our colleagues. In the process, Sanapsis has become trilingual, and we currently have offices in Turku, Finland, and San Jose, CA. We want to send heartfelt thanks to our wonderful patients. They have played a big part in designing and testing the application. Lucky for you, some of them are a part of our materials, and you will get to see the faces behind the process!

Based on popular requests, Sanapsis+ for independent use at home joined our Sanapsis family in early 2021. Let us know if you would like to have a copy to test with your patients!

You can learn more about our ideas and views about Speech Therapy with adults in our blog, where I talk about All The Things I Love About Speech Therapy With Adults. Always looking forward to hearing from you, reach out via this website anytime!